Okay, how exciting is it to be a part of My Little Shoebox's design team? Oh my gosh, there are no words! So we've been so blessed in that the last couple of month's. MLS has been teaming up with other companies, swapping products and showing how fabulous our products work together. So, this month is no different. We are working with Clear Scraps this month. My first mini book is using the MLS Turtles and Trees line with the 8x8 tabbed mini album by Clear Scraps. I named it "a Happy Heart". In this mini book, I have my lovely family, my puppy Pumpkin, and some of my friends- they all help to make me who I am!

In this next mini book, I used the "Wonderful" line by MLS-the circle paper is named after me, how exciting is that!- and this great album by Clear Scraps. I never scrap about myself-whcih is shameful- but I just don't seem to have the time to. So I documented a few things that I like. The only problem is that I am so brain dead sometimes that I can't even remember the things that I like!! So ok- I am not a big movie buff (I love to read- most anything, but I really love history), even though I see tons of movies because my family loves them (i.e.- I saw Star Trek yesterday and the new Terminator movie today), so I couldn't even figure what movies I like. I kept asking my kids, "What movies do I like?" and they were staring at me as if I had lost my mind. Mind you, they are 13 and 14, so they think I'm crazy anyways-lol! So, even though I had moments where I was challenged, I think it came out pretty darn good.

So in my last post, I hinted at some exciting news. So I have been fortunate enough to be one of the few that have seen the new MLS line that will be released in July! Oh my gosh, are you all in for a treat!! Within the 6 new lines, there is definately something that will appeal to everyone!! I can't say much more, but I can't wait to get my hands on this stuff for myself!!! The other thing that is so super exciting- MLS has been asked to appear on Scrapbook Memories TV again!! Helen and Suzy filmed this past Tuesday!! It is so incredible- a handful of uber talented girls from the store (Picture Me Perfect in Fremont, CA- check us out at
www.bayareascrappers.com) worked diligently and into the wee hours of the night for many days to make sure that we had tons of layouts, cards and projects for the show. I've got to give mad props to my girls Rocio, Angel, Nicole, Erin, and Suzy. They were oozing talent and craziness for 3 1/2 days. We were sleep deprived, demented, and virtually insane, but we made it. I also had to give Erin props- she will have the most gorgeous layout featured as a step out on the show- woo-hoo!!!! I am also thrilled to say that I have been honored with the opportunity to have a mini book being featured as a step-out as well. Yipppeeeeee!!!