Hi there. Welcome to My Little Shoebox's blog Hop featuring Heartfelt and an awesome sketch created by our own Melinda Spinks. Heartfelt is My Little Shoebox's newest release that has just hit the stores. If you started here, please hop over to My Little Shoebox and get started over there.
If you just came from Norine's blog , then you are right on track. Isn't she amazing! Love her take on the sketch!
If you just came from Norine's blog , then you are right on track. Isn't she amazing! Love her take on the sketch!
This is the lovely sketch that Melinda created. It has just the right feel for the Heartfelt line!

This is the layout that I created. I changed my photos to black and white. I felt it worked better not having all of the color interfere with the soft colors of the Heartfelt line.

Please leave a comment and become a follower of mine =D. Then hop on over to the ever talented Pearl's blog . We would love to see your take on this layout as well! All of the info is at the My Little Shoebox blog. And of course, there is a prize to be won.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend =D